All the vegetables: from Lower Valley Farm

First, a little blog info … I have had to delete the Subscribe option. There is one more update needed before I can re-enable that. I heard from a few that a re-confirmation email was sent. Sorry! I will put a blurb on the sidebar when all is reset and again, sorry … but you will need to re-subscribe if you’d like to be notified of new posts. Meanwhile, I will be posting at least several times per week and maybe daily if only a photo or two. My Instagram is on “inactive” status although it appears it is viewable to followers … so I’m unclear what “Inactivate” did.

On to gorgeous vegetables and some Lower Valley Farm love!
Lower Valley Farm’s setup at Kalispell Farmer’s Market. I miss it very much. The Farm stand is there, I just will not attend market at the moment.

BUT, Jay and Mandy did NOT let COVID-19 stop them. They applied for and received a grant to allow them funds to buy software and labor to set up an online ordering system. I can login and select a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday “no contact” pickup of vegetables.

There’s more, but you can see how it works!
This photo is part of the farm, on my first visit in April. On 6 acres, they grow vegetables and a few fruits to feed a LOT of people. AND, they have researched soil and growing information so that all they grow is nutrient dense which also equates to FULL.OF.FLAVOR.

As a 1 human household, even a 1 human that tries to make all meals vegetable-centric, it can be a challenge to eat a “share” (actually partial share) of vegetables every week. I have learned a lot over the last 10 years that I’ve been buying and have a process for using and preserving … nothing goes to waste.

For me, the changes made with the online ordering, have been a silver lining of COVID-19. I am able to order online … what I know I will eat … pick up safely and have delicious vegetables. AND, what I buy is picked the morning before I pick it up. This means that what I buy, lasts for 2-2.5 weeks! I do have some containers and methods that I know from experience, work well to maintain various items.

Still, my experience with grocery store organics is that I am fortunate to get 3-7 days life, depending on the item. Yes, Lower Valley Farm is certified organic. And, I am supporting a local family as well as the people that they employ. I am happy to do that and thrilled that I have this available. In fact, the Flathead Valley, where I live, is home to a number of organic farms that do similar, i.e. there are a variety of options, no matter where you live in the valley, to eat well and support local agriculture. HOO-RAH!!

This week, 2.5 weeks after my last order … and I still have some kale, chard, collards … I ordered large:

I usually order for Thursday at the farm, but because of the holiday and not wanting to be out and about on Thursday afternoon before the Friday holiday AND because of the wonderful flexibility offered … I ordered for this afternoon at a location near the small, natural grocery I like …

So, in addition to the large direct order from Lower Valley Farm, I added micro radish from which is supplied by Lower Valley Farm: win-win. For the record, is local family owned and they have been super vigilant about safe protocol: masks, 10 people max in store, 1 way aisles and curbside option.

And lest we forget Auggie and Emmett (NEVER) … will be delivering this week.

We are all set for weeks. Seriously, I have been going to public grocery bi-tri-weekly as well as Lower Valley Farm bi-weekly. My love of cooking means I love to grocery shop, but having segued into longer intervals, I am finding that very freeing, so ???


Auggie, Emmett and I wholeheartedly agree!!!

Sadly, although the public stuff is not happening, the private stuff is and it is the private stuff which gives us (me actually, as neither Auggie nor Emmett get upset about the noise…) grief. Bah, humbug!!

From the front porch

Sunday morning from the front porch … a 360 view from just in front of the front porch with an exciting finale :)

It was a beautiful weekend! Some dark skies, some sun breaks … enough sun on Sunday that I was able to mow before what is supposed to be a rainy week. Lots of walks, play and just hangin’ out on the front porch … and enjoying the gorgeous colors of my porch pots!

Saturday afternoon walk

Entering Lupin Lane…
I don’t remember the grasses ever being this tall, plus they are nearly overgrowing Lupin Lane. It feels a bit jungle like.
Emmett thinks it is pretty funny!
Peek a boo view of the mountains. Dark skies all day with a few sun breaks, but the clouds and the very green grass made for beautiful contrast.
This little flower is about the size of my thumbnail … very pretty, BUT unfortunately it is Orange Hawkweed, a noxious weed in Montana, which is required to be controlled or the state will do it for the landowner … and send the bill! So, took the photo and then pulled the plant.

State of the wildflowers on June 27, 2020: The lupin are nearing the end of their blooming time. Mariposa Lilies are still going strong and there are so many! I saw the first “common harebell” today: small purple bell shaped flowers … not showy, but such pretty shapes. There was not a LOT of Indian Paintbrush this year, but more than I’ve seen in some years. I love when there is a group of lupin, paintbrush and mariposa – beautiful colorway! The mystery [to me] is how high the woods grasses are … why? And especially as I had such high hopes for my yard after the mild winter, but my yard … gah … not a LOT of grass. Thankfully there is green stuff, it is just not grass … and it still needs to be mowed. Minor issues!!

When your life goes sideways, you have to bend

The lupin growing in the root area of the tree that fell down … suddenly had to bend…
It occurred to me that it was a timely metaphor. Their life literally turned sideways and so they bent to once again grow upright, toward the sun!
It also helps to get cute, colorful, summer wellies :)

Things I like

A pretty vignette in the woods: lupin, mariposa lily and a decaying tree.
Auggie in sunshine!
Peppermint and Spearmint on the window sill: the fragrance is wonderful.
Peace at home.

Morning Walk: Ep 1

On Instagram, I often posted the morning walk views in my story, which I LOVED. So, I am thinking that I’d like to sometimes post morning walk views here … and sometimes “Day in our life” posts … hence the Ep 1 (Episode 1).

Today: 6/23/2020 … the morning walk.

Mariposa Lily: there are an abundance of these, this year … so pretty!
In addition to the begonia, impatiens, coleus and mints … I bought more succulents. They did so well last year and even survived over winter.
Technically …. AFTER the morning walk: coffee on the front porch :)

Happy Tuesday!