Wisdom from a woman 102 years old: make a list :)

If you are struggling with getting things done in this time of COVID-19 or actually … anyone reading this … what an uplifting life story!

Lucille Ellson celebrated her 102nd birthday on December 30, 2019.

Go read the entire article! But an excerpt to inspire you to:

“I’ve been through so many things,” Ellson said. “To cope with this virus, and all that’s going on, I would tell people to not get stressed about planning far ahead. You can’t do it. A long time ago, I started making a list every morning of what I had to do. It was the only thing I could control, and I stuck to it, you hear me?”

Those lists now are similar day to day: check in on family with her iPad. Do Zoom video calls with her kids, and their kids, and their kids. Make meals and bake desserts to leave on the front porch for her son who lives nearby. She cooked for 25 people in February. She calls that preparing “a little something.”

Holy Damn Cow!! Sorry … but at 102 she checks in on family with her iPad and does Zoom video calls. You go girl !!!

And what an inspiration, based on incredible life experience. There is more to learn from her story and her smile and her outlook. Go read the article!

Meanwhile, I am midway through Day 2 of my RIGID schedule regime and it continues to work well for me. As Lucille notes in the article, it amounts to controlling the little that we can control and for me, that is how I spend my time.

I am finding that making a short schedule of 2-4 hours, of specific tasks and then another and then another … it is helping me focus on doing the things I want and need to do. At the end of each time and last night … WOW, I felt 100x better (mentally) than I have in a few weeks AND I slept well.

Everyone is different, but I do think a list, written down and referred to, is something to try if you are struggling. And I think the idea of doing what we can to “control” what is controllable is also key to a bit more peace of mind in uncertain times.

And always … fresh air, whatever you can find that is beautiful, helping others, being kind … let’s do it :) !!

Emmett aka Mr. Fluffy Bottom :)
I think Auggie is saying: “Keep a stiff upper lip”!

Making adjustments

After writing yesterday’s post and reflecting on the video ( an interesting interview ), I thought: Huh. Maybe I need a better or different schedule to help me counter the COVID-19 distraction thing: why did I come here, difficulty getting started on work, a “would like to do list” that shows no progress, etc., etc.

In the video, Scott Kelly suggests setting a schedule. I do that, but I allow flexibility. I decided last night that possibly I allow too much flexibility given the current circumstances where I am likely to be distracted [in my head] and kind of gaga…


Starting this morning, I am trying a RIGID schedule with timers and alarms and Good Grief … JUST do it!!

It is a whole … approximately 6 hours since I started this and so far it is working well. We’ll see how things progress, but my thought was that if I put pen to paper (metaphorically) with tasks and times and alarms, etc., I would have a better chance of staying on track.

And the crazy thing, well so far, in the infancy of this implementation … what has happened is that I HAVE accomplished things timely and I feel so good about that and I have been able to [mostly] put COVID-19 OUT.OF.MY.MIND. … HOO … I say HOO-RAH :)

Today …

Sauerkraut in the making
Cranberry Marmalade !
iPad and iPhone keeping me on track and displaying the recipe … or other task info

I think/hope that I am on the right track to get my routine back on track.

Because …. Buck up buttercup, we have a ways to go!

And, of course, we always put time in the schedule for getting outside, playing and walking and just enjoying the beauty around, breathing fresh air and being very grateful for all of the good things despite challenging circumstances.

Making adjustments and finding beauty in each day.

*** an admin note … the subscription thing has been updated. If you subscribed previously, please note that you still need to [re]subscribe … sorry!

Ain’t nobody happy right now

I believe that is truth: no one is happy [with how things are] right now.

We are all trying to do and be out best in this time of COVID-19, but the reality is … none of us, whatever we think about is being done/should be done … are happy about the situation.

But, the truth is … I believe the truth is … that we will be in a “stay at home” situation, as well as masked when out for very necessary things … for 8-12 weeks which means April-May-June. I hope-hope-hope, we can begin to cautiously open up by July 4.

But, back to today. We have some time, of who knows how long, that we must live in a “stay at home” situation. So our choice is to live at home to the very best of out ability with the most positive frame of mind we can cultivate: eating well, sleeping well, exercising, doing things we enjoy, working, getting outside as much as we safely can and ultimately … to chose to be happy in the current situation.

I absolutely do believe that it is a choice. We CAN choose to set up our “stay at home” lives in a way that allows us to live with joy.

I just watched an interview between Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Scott Kelly about living “isolated”. Scott Kelly is an astronaut that spent a year in the International Space Station. Now, he is living in “stay at home” isolation with his wife due to COVID-19. ( an interesting interview) <– is a link

In my own house … this past week I have struggled. I’ve felt distracted, have had difficulty getting my work day going, sleeping is hit and miss.


I concentrate on eating well, getting outside with Emmett and Auggie, writing, working on some fun for me projects, going to news sites minimally (I do not have satellite or other tv programming) as well as minimal social media. However, based on what I have read (science!) … the next 2-4-6 weeks are crucial and now is the time to be extremely cautious (NOT fearful … cautious) as it is prime time to overwhelm health care.

And although I would very much prefer to not be ill myself, ultimately, my focus for not getting ill is to NOT overwhelm the health care system: I do NOT want to be part of that problem.


Ain’t nobody happy right now!

From my Instagram Friend in Shetland UK: Love to Shona and her family! Shona’s Shetland Instagram is pinkfishshetland if some beautiful photos of Shetland would lift your spirits. They lift mine and Laddie (above … smooth coat border collie and working sheep dog)) and Milo (English Shepherd) are often featured.

“And the people stayed home”

If you have not seen the poem …



“In a nutshell”

I think we are in the phase of a transition curve that is: “So, when will get back to normal?”

BUT. As in all of life, we cannot go back. We will all be changed by the experience of the current circumstances, just as we are each individually changed by our personal experiences.

We will recover freedom of movement, but my hope is as the poem says, we will also experience healing … even if we didn’t think we were ill. I would not want anyone to read into my words that I think any part of this is a good thing …. BUT, I do think there is the possibility for good changes coming out of the experience: in each of our personal lives and future choices as well as worldview.

In a fictional book, about life in rural England during WWII:

“A snooty young woman interviewing a stout matron: ‘so, actually, all you’re doing at the moment is the housework, arranging and cooking meals for your husband, children and evacuees, canteen work, and voluntary fire-watching?’”

source is “A Presumption of Death” by Jill Payton Walsh.

But that was reality: 9/1/1939 – 9/2/1945 which is 6 years!

Perspective :)

It is a challenging time, but if we look at history: 1918 Spanish Flu that occurred on the tail of the horrors of WWI, WWII: 6 years of life disrupted in the U.K.! More recently the Vietnam war, HIV/Aids Pandemic, H1N1, wars in several areas … apples and oranges maybe and especially in light of the internet and instant information/statistics/opinion.

The best scientific minds and labs and companies are working as fast as humanly possible for solutions: vaccine and treatment.


The people MUST stay home.

And the people MUST laugh and play and make art and exercise and cry and pray and meditate and …. you know, live our lives, but at home!

Embrace “hunkering down”

Good grief!  Here we are in a place I doubt most of us have ever been:  a global health crisis … a pandemic.  And while here in the U.S. we are not (at least not as of this writing) an epicenter, we are also certainly not an outlier.  Mostly, I don’t think we know where we are given the lack of testing compared to other parts of the world.

At my house, it is pretty much “as usual”.  I’ve worked from a home office for nearly 35 years.  As of this writing, I have no indication that my work will be disrupted, but I am not counting on that at all, at all and given that I did not work for 4.5 months last year, my reserves are not much so spending is currently for necessities only.  But, my pantry, frig and freezer are full, full, full – mostly thanks to the fact that I keep them that way over Winter and was just starting to think about “eating down” when things changed.  So, I continue the Winter grocery shopping paradigm.  And fortunately, I have not yet experienced much in the way of shortage locally … well, T.P. and hand sanitizer but I got a jump on the T.P. and I’m a soap and water person with a home water well so was not in the sanitizer market anyway.

As far as getting ill, I have low exposure:  I work from home, I don’t belong to groups and my main socialization is via the internet.  I am truly grateful for my internet connections!  Also for several wonderful neighbors as well as some townsfolk and small business relationships.  I feel incredibly fortunate in that I am both used to and prefer a somewhat hermit-like lifestyle. 

The worst thing I ever worry about is my animal companions.  Emmett and Auggie are well and in addition to the human foodstuffs in pantry and freezer, there is extra for them as well – thanks Chewy.com!!

I will say that Auggie-boy gave me a few more white hairs this past week when he pulled a late night … 1:00 a.m. arrival!

Sleeping off a very late night of ???

Completely out of character and routine and I don’t know:  he got shut in somewhere, treed by something, extra cat business … GAH!

Otherwise, I have read the science and the scientist recommendations:  social distancing, wash your hands … wash your hands … wash your hands.  All easy and doable for me.

Other than the pets, my worries are for people who do not have the resources to withstand the 60-90-120 days of whatever they must deal with:  work from home, no work, kids out of school, small business loss … and all of the trickle down affects of a drastic change in lifestyle:  work, play … life.

All of that said …  and I would not wish this virus or any of the negative affects on anyone … still, it is here and we must go forward as best we can … there may be some incredible things that come of this:

                The recognition that we do NOT need quite as many “public” events:  think of the $$$$ that are spent for political campaigning “in person” that we might now see happen virtually … and not only that kind of event, but also other business marketing events.  Do we really need to fly here there and everywhere to some conference, spending an inordinate amount of carbon budget when we could do just as well with a virtual event?  I.E. might we accomplish some climate change goals as we come to terms with dealing with the global health crisis?  Just imagine!!!  Greta Thunberg writes eloquently on this topic and has encouraged “online” climate strikes during this time of required social distancing, i.e. no gatherings.

                The recognition that many of us do NOT need to work from an “office” or other work location.  In the last 10 years of my work from home life, the amount of work we accomplish as a team via collaborative software:  Zoom, GoToMeeting, Webinars …  I am so used to working with others via the internet that I don’t even think about travelling for any work reason. BUT, even the technical world is not completely ready … issues of security :  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/silicon-valley-was-first-to-send-workers-home-its-been-messy/ar-BB11b9vj?ocid=spartandhp   In my personal tech world, we talk security ALL.THE.TIME, but we do not deal with extremely sensitive date or protocol, so I definitely see issues with a lot of businesses.  But, those can and will be resolved … remotely!

                The recognition that even socially, we *can* keep in touch via Facetime, Skype and other virtual solutions.  I am not advocating zero face to face/in person socialization, but especially in this kind of crisis and even as we all live further apart … there are earth friendly options.

                Telemedicine!  This option has been available to me from my clinic as well as my insurer.  What a great option!  So many times, I would like to provide information, receive guidance and onward!  Not only with my physician, but also my veterinarian.  Both have been good with this, but with my vet … things are not in place to allow fees.  As a consultant, who works on a $/hour, I have zero issues with being charged for phone/email/info exchange time and would rather do that than subject myself and/or my animal companions to a visit if not necessary.  Currently, drive-through COV-19 test sites are being set up/tested … I am unclear how far along they are, but WOW … wonderful innovation and adaptation to challenging times.

Earth friendly.

I do not have children and so also no grandchildren, that will be impacted by the atrocious decisions made by me and my generation.  But, I still wish to do what I can to mitigate the damage and inspire others to do what they can as well:  fossil fuel reduction, plastic/poly reduction, over consuming … I keep thinking that I’ve gone “green” and then I find that other thing that I use/buy/send to landfill …it is crazy-hard, but I believe, absolutely necessary that we all do as much as we can. 

The future is at stake.

As Greta Thunberg says:  “our house is on fire”.

It is! … and we need to stop thinking that the future will take care of itself.  It will NOT unless we, all of the people on the planet Earth, educate ourselves on the science of the current global health crisis as well as the climate change crisis.

We must change how we consume, how we live and interact.  That is, if we hope that planet Earth continues to be viable for future generations.

I realize that there are different views on how we do this.  I don’t intend to get into those.  There is a lot of information available on options:  food choices, product packaging awareness, travel options … and the impact of all of our choices.

Meanwhile, I think we all have opportunities to think of others.  If we are in a comfortable spot … is there a neighbor who is not?  Can we offer to share items or help someone get items?  And for those of us who currently do not have interruption of income or internet … how can we help someone who might have those issues?  In a time, when maybe our normal “entertainment” is disrupted … good golly … so much opportunity to think about how to help other people, to learn something new, to explore something that we have not because there did not seem to be time to do that.

It is difficult to remain positive all of the time as our “normal” existence has been so drastically altered with the added uncertainty of how long it might go on. I think it is important, now at the beginning, to think how I can/will combat frustration, anxiety-depression at not being able to do things as I’d like.

We can focus on all of the things that we cannot do …. OR we can focus on all of the things that we CAN do. I am making a list of things I CAN do to keep in front of me.

It is a challenging and sometimes scary time, but there are also incredible opportunities to learn, to help, to consider change.

New year, new opportunities

New year, new stuff !!!

Good grief. 2020. It sounds so very futuristic to a person born in 1955, who read 1984 (George Orwell) thinking it was so very far in the future.


Last week, I saw something like this:

So that is toast, with avocado and bananas (!), lime zest and juice and a drizzle of honey plus red pepper flakes.

At first, I thought “Ewww” … but then I read the article and watched the video … mostly drawn by the bread in the lead photo!

The article and the video

And I was so taken by Apollonia Poilane’s passion for her craft of bread baking and the story of how she took the reins of the bakery at a VERY young age, that I tried the recipe for Avocado tartine with banana and lime!

And I LOVED it! Additionally, it is a nutritional powerhouse. I bought Apollonia’s book as well. It is both a beautiful and poignant story as well as what look to be wonderful recipes.

Ultimately, it is yet another lesson in being open to new things.

Other new baking things include:

Pumpernickel Sourdough. This turned out to be the best pumpernickel bread that I’ve had in ages!!

Einkorn Cardamom-Cinnamon naturally leavened (sourdough) rolls. Einkorn was new to me last year and it is my favorite heirloom whole grain. It worked wonderfully in this roll recipe.

Still on food, but I’ve shared before the “Souper Cubes” I like for freezing 1 cup (souper cube) portions of many things: cooked meats, beans, rice, broths …

That is chicken, shredded carrots and black beans. The very cool thing is that a cube fits in a half pint mason jar for thawing …

The freezer is this solo human’s friend and “Souper cubes” add to the ease.

New things in my personal tech experience…

DJI Osmo Action Camera … sometimes called the GoPro “killer”. Whatever. I dove into the action arena with the DJI Osmo Action.

It’s tiny!

Video is it’s strong point.

On a “selfie stick” … I also bought a gimbal, but am struggling to find time to get that set up … so meanwhile, the stick.

Unlike the GoPro, the Osmo has a front camera :)

Stay tuned … for maybe a bit. In addition to getting all of the hardware up and going, I have to spend more time learning about the editing software. SO.MUCH.GOOD.STUFF.


Leaving you with some scenery …

Lovely light.

Me and the mountains!

Auggie in sunshine :)

Emmett in the snowy woods.

New Year, New Stuff.

Always keep learning and exploring!